Finding the Edges of me in Space
I heard once that astronauts would explode in space without spacesuits. ...Out here, with just my laptop and a wifi connection and the vast white wilderness beyond my window, I wonder if that might be...
View ArticleA letter to the one who is failing
This moment that feels like failure is an invitation to go deeper.
View ArticleWhat love looks like after decision-making
"Perhaps, in an ideal world, every big decision is come to by conversation and consensus, but in my world - that's generally not how it happens. More often than not, we decide by compromise and...
View ArticleWhen You Have What Someone Else Wants
There are many ways to be rich. In relationships. In opportunity. In talent. And sometimes we only notice when we're listening to someone who is in pain because they lack the thing we have.
View ArticleThe Beauty of Yes-And: parenting lessons from improv comedy
It seems reminding my kids a gazillion times to chew with their mouths closed isn't working at all. So I decided to try a tip from comedy class.
View ArticleHow I’m Talking To My Kids About Corona Virus
There's something else we need to say after "wash your hands."
View ArticleThe Ripple Effect on my Soul (on pandemic highs, lows, and dead zones)
It's just not true that a good feeling will cancel out a bad one High school science reminds us waves (whether of water or emotion) can interact in strange ways.
View ArticleThe Glow In Our Pockets (or, what Marie Curie didn’t know)
What do Instagram and XRays Have in common? More than we might think.
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